Should I Buy Assassin’s Creed?
Black Friday is coming up, and I noticed that Assassin’s Creed Origins was on sale for a crazy amount. Went down from 60 dollars to about 9 dollars I believe. I am just not too sure that I would enjoy it, and would like to get games that I actually like. I mainly enjoy story games as opposed to anything else, and open worlds if they are done well. Here’s a list of games that I absolutely loved playing:
Red Dead Redemption (1 and 2)
Grand Theft Auto 5
Silent Hill 2 Remake
Detroit: Become Human
Uncharted 1, 2, 4, and 5 (I’m currently playing the 3rd game)
The Last of Us (1 and 2)
It Takes Two
I also have some games I tried to get into, but really just couldn’t:
Ghost of Tsushima
God of War
Final Fantasy
Life is Strange
Again, I love a good story game that has a lot to it, whether that be detail, amazing characters, a complex/good storyline, and emotion. To me, Life is Strange was a good concept, but not enough action and excitement. Some of the Ghost of Tsushima missions were a bit boring to me, despite the game being beautiful and loving the main character. God of War also got boring to me, along with Final Fantasy (don’t flame me). I glanced at some play throughs of Assassin’s Creed without getting any spoilers. Do you think it is any good, and are the games I listed similar to it? A few more I’ve been thinking about buying are:
Until Dawn (not on sale)
One of the Spiderman games
Dead Space
Elden Ring (I looked at it a little, not sure if I’d like it anymore).
I’d also much appreciate game recommendations based on the ones I listed if you guys don’t think I’d enjoy the games I put down. Please put the name down and describe it a little, it doesn’t have to be in detail if you don’t want to.