didn’t go to uni, regretting it

m19. didn’t go to uni after all the stress a levels caused me (became very ill and sent me down a dark path mentally). came out with two Bs (A levels) and an A (AS level, not a level) , plus an epq (B)

thinking about going now, do a bachelors in biomed science (i was already offered a place but rejected it as i thought i would want to go) and then a masters in mycology. i would love to go back to studying and go into research for how mycology could benefit human health.

does this sound stupid? i feel like i wasted my chance to go bc ive taken time out to work and am now studying plumbing

edit: thank u for all the kind consideration and ur time!! feeling a little lighter and going to make a longer term plan for if i decide plumbing isn’t for me and i definitely want to go uni. any further advice and suggestions are greatly appreciated, gonna keep coming back to this as a reminder that i have everything ahead of me :)