Update for you
Writing this with tears in my eyes. If you go through my previous posts, you'll see I'm going through a divorce aswell as leaving.
Ultimately, what you angry people said would happen ... happened. From the letter I wrote (my ex is free to remarry etc etc) to start the divorce to rejecting the best offer to sell the house we've had. They're all about control, it's all control.
Let me briefly explain, after I said I didn't believe in the JW stuff, my wife left to live with her parents. We don't have kids, but she decided shortly after us being married that she no longer needed to work, dumping all the pressure on me. Eventually I got very unwell as did she and my financial situation took a tumble. I pulled us back out of the pit, she then became incredibly home sick so I said my goodbyes to everything I knew and loved and moved into her parents place whilst we pioneered. Her parents bled me of money wherever they could, I bought them a new kitchen etc. Fast forward 4 years and I buy a house off her dead grandmothers estate. A few months after this I expressed my desire to leave jws. That was February and I haven't seen her since then.
She wouldn't start the divorce until I had wrote a letter freeing her, I ummed and ared, but did it, knowing I was signing my death warrant in the jw's. Then informally through text agreement we said we'd not need solicitors and split everything 50/50. Obviously when we lived with her parents I had a few bits there, didn't think anything of it.
Fast forward to yesterday's antics and ultimately the reason for my going from loving the woman and her family to my now hatred. She's solicitored up and is trying to take the house(which she didn't pay a penny towards!!!), I'm obviously on the back foot as I thought we had an agreement. Today I recieve a test to say "stuff outside", and there it was, everything I bought them, everything I owned that I had left there for safe keeping was now all outside and they hid in their house from me.
And here's my warning for anyone leaving, TRUST NO ONE. You're now seen as the enemy, they will try to hurt you, they will lie, they will cheat everyway they can. Do not become bitter, expect it. Rely on the "world's system" because that's reality. Don't get caught up as I am, of I can't be a good example, then my god I'll be a terrible warning for you!
Hope I didn't ramble on too much, and I hope you're all ok.